For the latest information please read this document instead:

How to use NPM Package for Streamline Icons

Deprecated wrapper/asset packages

Warning, wrapper packages for React, Angular and Vue are deprecated and will be removed on June 1st 2021. Please use our new package streamlinehq instead, it provides a much better user experience.

If you still wish to use the old packages, read on.

If you want to use Streamline Icon packages you need to configure your npm token in your dev machine.

<aside> 🚧 During ßeta, only the "Streamline Ultimate" customers have access to the NPM packages (if you own the Streamline Essential pack, you can upgrade by emailing us )


1. Start by copying your auth token

Navigate to "My Account" > "Developer Tools"

Activate the NPM React Package

Copy your token

2. Add the registry to your package manager

a. Per project setup (recommended)

Create a .npmrc at the root of your folder and add these lines:


Please note that this file shouldn't be committed to your production servers. You can use pre-build hooks to set up your configuration on the server.