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Is there a Streamline icon font?

Unfortunately, we don't provide a Streamline icon font.The reason is that with over 10,000 icons per weight the icon font would be huge, and hard to use 🤯Honestly, the icon fonts are a bit obsolete now, and we are giving priority to a version of our icons as NPM packages (for React, Angular, etc.). I think it's a more modern approach for an efficient workflow and better website performances.We plan to have these NPM packages released early 2020.

Can I create my own Icon Font?

Sure! I recommend this workflow:

Even better, use Icomoon to export the icons as SVG sprites. This is a better approach than using icon font, see why here: Icon Fonts vs SVGs - Which One Should You Use In 2018?

How to import files in an iconfont/SVG sprite generator?

To import icons in an icon font generator, like Icomoon, use the “expanded” version, that you can find here for the line version:


You don’t need a special version for the Bold version, as it’s expanded by default.