<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/83bf928d-246b-4b00-acf7-995b02ad431d/Group_175767_(1).svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/83bf928d-246b-4b00-acf7-995b02ad431d/Group_175767_(1).svg" width="40px" /> **Return to website**


As our icons are built with vectors, there is many ways to change their colors in just a few clicks.

1- Streamline App

– For Premium account owners –

The easiest way is to use our Streamline App: Select an icon, then use the color picker top of the right color to change the color. You can now export the icon with the selected color as SVG, PDF or PNG


2- Iconjar

Are you on Mac OS? The easiest way is to use Iconjar to modify icon colors in seconds.


3- Vector Graphic Software

Are you a designer? Change the color in any vector graphic program, like Illustrator, Figma, Affinity designer or Sketch, then export it as .svg, .png or .pdf